Friday, August 21, 2009 it's been forever

Almost a year since I've updated this thing. Like I said in the prior post...I suck at updating. My son was born on October 28, 2008. 5 weeks early. He is now almost 10 months old and doing great. He is a hoot I swear. Even if I am having a bad day when he gets up to his antics I can't help but smile/laugh. Right now we are having problems on the extended family health front. My brother in law has been diagnosed with lupus...which if you don't know much about it it is an incurable disease in which the autoimmune system attacks the tissues of the body. So he is more than likely gonna have to quit work and go on disability. My sister (the one that had the brain tumor removed and has had seizures/strokes ever since and is on disability already) has had a kidney stone for a while now that cannot be passed. The doctor ran some blood tests on her then called her when he got the results telling her she had to come back in immediately. Come to find out her potassium levels at the time of the test were a plus 10....when it's that high you are supposed to be dead...according to the doc. So he ran some more tests and I guess nothing was found this time so he is just waiting to see if he can get her in for surgery to remove the stone before the 31st...which was the original date he wanted to do it. Then I called and talked to my mother in law and my father in laws leukemia is getting worse...they are talking about they may have to put him on chemotherapy soon. So overall yesterday was not a good day as I found all this out then. To top it all off Jon and I are having problems on the money front...basically living paycheck to paycheck and it's starting to get really tight. I tell you...when it rains it pours.

On the plus side we are planning my baby's first birthday party for the 26th of October (the 26th because it is a day my mom has off and we can just ask for it off and use personal time). I am getting excited about that. He is the joy of my life and I want him to have as much fun as possible...even tho he probably won't remember it. I will make sure to take plenty of pictures I am sure it's gonna be hilarious with the cake. Ok, I guess that is it for now. My life in a nutshell ;)

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