Thursday, July 14, 2005

Late Summer News

Well, I finally did find a job. Bad thing was back at Taco Bell where I swore I would never go back to. blah. Anyhow...same shit different time period I guess. haha. Only now it's not so much the customer's that I have problems with but *some* of the people that I work with. Not all...just some. There's one guy that gets on my everlasting nerves and I wanna do nothing but tell him off one day. Then we got people there that do half ass jobs then have the nerve to sit there and get on MY ass if I forgot to do something small and inconsequential!! What the hell is that??!?!?! Grrr...stupid people. I am gonna try to keep on working there during the school year, but only working weekends. If I can handle it. I hope I don't go insane!
I finally got my roommate information...I am soo mad because I really wanted a single room again...I loved that last year. But noooo they had to go and find me a damn roommate. Grr...I guess I will see how things work out. Push comes to shove I still will have enough money to switch to a single room either in Pine or Belk...I hope to stay in Belk tho. I wanted my room tho that I had last year...I dun see why I should have to give it up when I was the one that reserved it! It makes no sense whatsoever. bah. Stupid rules. BITE ME! In a way I am ready to go back to school in another I am not. I am afraid moreso how this roommate is gonna she gonna be kind and considerate??? or is she gonna be a bitch and inconsiderate?? I just dunno. I want someone who's not gonna use me or take me for granted. I want someone who will be a good friend...but that has yet to happen so I doubt it ever will.
This girl that lives down the street from me...we were best friends up until about 8th trying to reconcile with me now. So we are talking again and supposed to go hang out tomorrow. She is pregnant with her first child. I am soo happy for her...I told her she better let me know when she goes into labor..haha...that hospital is gonna be crowded with people for her!! She finds out next Wednesday what sex the baby is gonna be. They want a boy because males aren't common in one part of her family and she grew up with 2 sisters wanting a brother all that time. So...yeah. lol. We shall see what happens :-) Welp, I am gonna go to bed now. TTYL!!

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