Thursday, May 12, 2005

summer break

Well...there are some good and bad parts to this being summer break. Good part being that I am outta school...bad part being that I now have to look for a job. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a job around here??? It's insane. lol. I have only put in applications to the places that say they are hiring...and still no luck. I hope that it starts to look up soon because I am going insane. I am glad to be home though...even though I miss my friends from school. Mom is trying to do our family tree's crazy. I had no idea we had so many people in our family!! LOL. I didn't do as good in school this last semester as I would have wished. I got all Cs and Ds...not good at all. The two Ds were two classes that I was really worried about too. Zoology and Chemistry 2. What makes me upset about the D in Chemistry 2 is that the teacher told me not to worry about my grade...yet I HAVE to because I need a C or above in that class to pass. So I am planning on changing my major now to Chemistry: Medical Technology...that way the only class I will really have to retake is Chemistry 2...and then actually for that major my GPA is where it needs to be so...there is no REAL need to retake it, but I probably will anyways. I have an interview tomorrow for Baldino's...I don't really want to work there but I need a job so...we shall see what happens. I put in two applications today for the type of job I really want...which was PWC as a secretary and the library as a library page. I hope to hear back from at least one of those. I also put in an application at Target but chances of me hearing back from them are slim because they had a long list of people who applied. Mom and I just watched "Phantom of the Opera"...I love that movie. Never seen the actual play before but the movie was pretty good. Well, I am gonna go now cuz I gotta get up in the morning to go to church with mom. TTYL!!

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