Wednesday, February 23, 2005

what is this?? high school all over again??

I swear. It always gets me how people can sit there and talk about how it seems like everyone is trying to make it like high school again at college with all the drama...then they turn around and start talking shit about all the people who are supposed to be their friends. mature is that?!?! Dur. Some people are so hypocritical it's unreal. I mean, how is she gonna sit there and say about someone else who was doing the same thing that THEY were being childish and then turn around and start being childish and talking about people behind their backs yet being nice to them to their faces? That is nothing but being two faced and it's crap. And to try to start shit between roommates??? That's even more crap. Especially when one of the roommates was supposedly her best friend. People who are hypocrites piss me off. point is this...don't call other people immature when you ain't the most mature thing yourself.

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