Monday, January 31, 2005

can all this shit hit the fan at once???

I mean honestly. We had a drama filled night last night here in my hall. All having to do with racism. Grr...that is one topic that I really wish everybody would get over. We are here in the 21st century and people are still either judging other people for what was done to their ancestors that the generation now had NOTHING to do with or people still acting like the people who are different have the plague or something and are to be avoided at all costs. See, person A is white, and she likes a black guy. And she wants to date him. Well, her roommate who is person B (also white)...comes from a very racist she basically tells person A that it is NOT acceptable for her to be in an interracial relationship. Which is just a piece of crap right off because it is not for person B to judge what person A does nor is it for her to tell person A who she can or cannot date. So person A got pissed at person B and went to talk to some of her friends about it...which one of them is the RA for the floor. She tells the RA (who happens to be black) what person B now the RA is upset with person B. Then somehow all this shit gets around to person A's sister...who also lives on our floor...and she gets upset because she knows their parents won't condone an interracial relationship either. My point is...person A doesn't care what anyone else thinks...she likes the guy and that is that. It is not for everyone else to be telling her what she can or can't do. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion...but do they HAVE to try to press their opinion on to her??? person B did apologize to person A kinda....but person A is, understandably, still upset with person B. It would be one thing if person B had just told person A "my parents would never let me date a black guy because to them that is unacceptable" rather then try to tell person A that she just shouldn't date the guy. The other bad part of this all is, person B told her her father also went off on person A....he has never met her, or anything. Yet he is trying to tell her what to do and was fussing at her because of it. Do you think what person B did was right???

Just a note..I am not directly involved in this...just indirectly involved due to the fact that I am everyone who was involved friend. It just baffles me how so long after slavery was abolished and all this shit they still try to treat black people like scum or even mexican people. What I also don't get is how all the black people can look down on us and blame us for something that we weren't directly involved in. My people were also enslaved at one point, do you see me condemning everyone because of that?!?! I have scottish and irish blood in me...both of which were enslaved at one point when they came to america. Yes, it was wrong and bad what happened to the black people of the past...but that's just was IN THE PAST. You know they always tell us to let bygones be bygones...why is it so hard to let this one part go?

OK, enough ranting for now. TTYL

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