Tuesday, January 18, 2005


First actual cold day of winter..and I love it. Although I have a cold myself. Right now it is only 18 degrees outside which is a big difference from the 70s we had been having. I hope it lasts, kills off some of the damn bugs that love to hang around here. I got up early cuz I couldn't sleep anymore and kept thinking that for some reason my alarm didn't go off. Oh well. My first week of classes back at this boring college went fine. I swear there is not much to do around here in ur spare time. Unless you want to drink all the time. Which I don't so...I just keep watching movies and wandering around the floor aimlessly talking to people. haha. (and no, it's not the people in my head) j/k. I have to be at genetics lab in an hour...i wonder what we are doing today. This will actually be the first time I go to this class. The first lab in our lab book is dealing with flies and their mating rituals. Sounds like soo much fun. Well, I really want to just climb back into bed and sleep the rest of the day. But I need to get ready for class. So, enough is enough. Bye!

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