Saturday, April 21, 2007

losing weight

I dunno what has triggered my weight loss in the past year or so...but I am very happy for it. I used to be at a very hefty 262 pounds...I am now down to 207 and still losing...thank God. I did a virtual model thingy online....with a weight loss simulator. It's likeness is not exact...but it gives me a general idea. Here is the pic of what it came up with :-)

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I have gone from size 24 jeans down to size 20s...and now they are getting kinda baggy on me. My goal is that hopefully within one year I will lose the 72lbs needed in order to be at a good natural weight for me. I am not really doing a diet...but I have quit eating fast food and out at restaurants as much as I used to. So hopefully this trend will continue. I was plateaued for awhile...but it seems to be letting up again. Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, good for your for sticking with it. I'll bet you feel a lot better. I have some jeans I'm looking forward to getting into in the next couple of months. Where's the virtual model online? That would be cool to try.

Come check us out some time!